Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just a short catch up this time

Have you ever been known to cry and not cope with the general community if they are rude? It's as though it is personal to me. Not that people have it in for me, but I have this sense that I deserve this treatment because for some reason, I just do. I notice every little thing that people say and do to me and it can crush me deep to the bone. Even if someone is rude to me on the road or not smile when I smile at them. I find I can think about these events, what others would call minor and wonder what I may have done wrong? oscillating from hurt to anger. I was at the medical center last week and in the waiting room, a girl and I made eye contact. I smiled, she frowned. Do you know I haven't been able to let that episode go? I felt really mortified underneath, I felt bad, like I did something wrong to her and she was angry with me. Did I look at her wrong? Did she just take a disliking to me? Was she jealous? Do I look bitchy? I mean who cares? I can sometimes go through the day picking up what everyone must be thinking and being very sensitive to their response toward me. I have to be loved or liked most days. I must admit this is just one of the moods I can wake up with. Then on another day I may be full of confidence. So the example scenario might happen only sometimes. Then tomorrow there will be a new struggle and the next day? Well having BPD can be a lucky dip with me. Mmm I wonder. What will my mood be today that I have to battle with? What thoughts will I be struggling with today? Other days its as though BPD never existed and it transcends into never, never land. Oh well at least it makes life interesting, NOT! I could definitely think of more fun ways to do life! I still can't believe that this isn't normal for everyone to feel this way? Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to be someone else who doesn't have a mental disorder or illness. I may never know though maybe 'cos I do. Although I hope for a full recovery it is early days. We'll see, I'm not expecting miracles overnight, but I am expecting a miracle of some kind 'cos I have faith! and I'm also willing to put in the work that may be necessary in finding those keys to health and happiness. I have to believe they are there somewhere. I comfort myself with the thought that I'm not alone in this struggle. Just about everyone on this planet struggles with something, mine just happens to be Borderline Personality Disorder.Its a not fun prognosis, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles I guess? Thanks for listening again and please comment it would really make my day!
p.s.You can also become a follower of my blog.
Also scroll down to read some other recent BPD post. Thanks


  1. I really relate to these thoughts you've had. I've had similar things when someone has reacted like that and I've taken it personally and HATE the way it makes me feel, like I'm dirty or less than that person. I haven't been diagnosed with BPD but I definitely have traits of it. Mood swings too. I will definitely keep reading your blog.

  2. Yep had it happen again today. I was riding on the path and this old couple yelled at me that I was an old cow!! I went back and confronted the old duck BPD style (can't let a good opportunity to express my temper go like that lol) Yep I eyeballed her and said like Michael whatshisface in back to the future "did you call me old cow??? (remember he said "did you call me yella"?)then rode off beginning to hate myself for losing it and guess what? I didn't. I worked thought it thinking "ok so I reacted, they'll learn not to verbally abuse someone in future" I was on a power trip for a good half a day though. But the good thing was I DIDNT FEEL GUILTY AND HATE MYSELF!! wow miracle of miracles
    I let myself off the hook and said "meh, so what worse things have happened" aren't I a good girl?lol
    still a shitty day with lots of down moody thoughts but I made it through another day
    now there's just the rest of my life to go!

  3. Oh and dreamer 781 thanks so much for commenting and following my blog. I really appreciate your feedback : ) BTW I'm on twitter which you can follow (look for link on this page )and also I have a yahoo group you can join if interested. It's new so it might be just you and me at first but I'm really hoping to get it going.
    come join the party ! This invitation applies to EVERYONE reading this

  4. Oh yes, that sound so familiar...tho true to form i was a bad boy and intimidated them into running away in tears...i'll get it right one
    Thank you, your descriptions are spot on. I'll definately be following!

  5. hi,
    I've bookmarked your blog and will check in on you regularly.

    I'm Cool Polar, from, and I'm following you on Twitter too. Feel free to follow me too.

    I am 36 and have been diagnosed with BPD since I was in my early 20s. I curently attend weekly therapy with a psychologist and take meds to keep my symptoms in check.

  6. Hi Eve,

    I read thru all your blogs and it was difficult to stop my tears. What you have described is shockingly similar to what my wife of 4 yrs seems to be experiencing. It took me a long time to really understand why she does what she does, why she feels what she feels and it was really frustrating. I was putting my best foot forward but she was always unhappy, fighting and saying hurtful things. I am thankful to internet that I started researching trying to understand her and now I know a little better. I have read thru lots of information on internet. But I think sharing with you would really help me help my wife coz you can relate to her feelings more than I can right now. I want to reach a level where I would be able to relate and comfort her and may be ease her pain a little. At the same time I want to maintain my emotional well being as well so we dont break down. I really admire your strength and willingness to understand yourself and set up a path to healing. Will share more in times to come. You bring inspiration to me and I am really thankfull for that. I wish you all the best

  7. What you wrote about, especially the way you perceive people feeling about you, the way they look at you or talk or act towards you is exactly like me! It is amazing to finds someone else who has these very same feelings. i always seem to over-react at the slightest things. For example:
    Yesterday, i took my son to the doctor and afterwards, asked to speak to the doctor alone. i explained the my son has some anxiety problems, in particular when there are thunderstorms or storm watches or warnings. Could i please get something to help him through these times, as he really gets terrified? The doctor, who happens to be the same one my husband goes to, said okay, he would give him something (My husband gets Xanax from him all the time). So, he gives me a scrip for Xanax and i thank him...then i see it is for t e n tablets and no refill. After thinking about it for a while, i begin to realize maybe he thinks i'm a "drug seeker" and using my son to get pills! i have never been a drug seeker and would never involve my own son in any such thing if i were....just more proof that i am "labeled for life" as God knows what my husband has told him about me.
    BPD...a thing of "joy"...HA....forever!

    Thanks for listening

  8. wow! we are allll THE SAME!!!!

    dear Eve,

    i can't even tell you what your sharing did for me.
    we must have been twins separated at birth ;)

    i am concerned because you haven't posted since last Sept :(
    i hope & PRAY you are alright, better than alright!!
    i'm jumping on your train of followers & will eagerly await you next post :)
    i wonder if you switched to; livejournal, xangzie, wordpress, etc.
    i will now look thru your entire blog to see if you are on facebook. i am not on twitter, even tho i created an account. if i find YOU are on twitter, i will go & talk to you there :)

    all my LOVE & respect,

    <3 Jiinxsay
